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Reasons for Repeated Assaults on the Pilot Project
After becoming tehbazari holders, vendors resist paying bribes.
The very same people who were key members of the extortionist mafia collecting hafta from vendors, rickshaw owners and other traders in this area, stopped the construction of pavements and stalls by sheer goonda tactics because they feel threatened by the vendors getting economic security and nice clean stalls.
They first tried blackmailing Manushi into giving each of them a certain number of stalls. When that failed they sat on dharna, hurling abuses and bringing goons from outside to forcibly stop the construction work.
Some of them have long criminal records and are undergoing trials for serious offences, including murder, kidnapping, sexual assault harassment and fraud. These criminal elements attach themselves to whichever party is in power. That gives them added clout with the police.
Unable to break the unity and resilience of members of Manushi Sangathan through violence and threats, two members of the extortionist gang, Umesh Rawat and Dharam Singh claiming high level political patronage, approached the High Court to get a stay order against the pilot project.
High Court refused to grant a stay order on Feb. 23, 2005, but the gang does not allow construction work to progress through use of violence and strong arm tactics. SHO Kotla thana and other key personnel lent full support to their criminal activities while Manushi members get repeatedly attacked by the police and have their stalls forcibly removed.
On Feb. 25, 2005, Manushi submitted evidence of the criminal activities and record of this gang to the High Court. This restrained the police from attacking us openly.
On October 7, 2005, the High Court gave a clear verdict in favour of the Sewa Nagar Pilot Project. However, the extortionist mafia has filed yet another petition in the High Court to stall the Project.
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