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Yet Another Contempt of Court
On March 3.3.2006 the Supreme Court issued the following
directions to the MCD, NDMC and Delhi Administration
Initiate action to remove all unauthorised hawkers/ squatters from the public land such as footpaths, streets, public parks and playgrounds, etc., within a period of 15 days and file a compliance report within 4 weeks and;
File a detailed scheme for licensing vendors keeping in mind the National Policy of Urban Street Vendors, 2004.
The Court vide its order dated 5.5.2006 also directed the MCD and the NDMC to “permanently display at conspicuous places the list of hawking and non hawking zones declared by them so that there is no arbitrariness in the matter.” “Any non compliance of this Court’s order was to be punishable as contempt of court.”
While large scale removals were stalled due to Delhi Special Provision (Laws) Act, 2006 daily ritual of confiscating goods continues.
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