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The Extortionist Mafia Strikes Back
Work on the project stopped through violence and threats by
the extortionist mafia on December 15, 2004 despite the fact that:

This Pilot Project was to create guidelines for the implementation of National Policy for street vendors.
2) M.C.D. had acquired Supreme Court sanction for this project.  
3) The project received financial support from MPLAD fund of Ambika Soni, a senior leader of the ruling party.  
4) Municipal Commissioner is keen on its successful implementation.  
5) The Chief Minister of Delhi is favourable to the project.  

In January 2005, leading members of the bribe collecting gang, with support from the local Corporator and Member of Parliament representing this area, filed a writ petition in the Delhi High Court demanding a stay order on the construction of new stalls and other improvements in the civic infra-structure being carried out in pilot project area. The honourable Court refused to grant the stay order. However, the obstructionist attempts against the project continue even after the court delivered a strong judgment in our favour in October 2005. In February 2006, they filed yet another petition in the High Court to stall the Project. New stalls have been broken and new pavements damaged throughout the construction period.
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