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Agenda for Action:
Towards People Friendly World Class Cities
Stop destroying our Swadeshi Retail Sector represented by vendors to make way for FDI in India’s retail sector. Let the Walmarts and Ambanis demonstrate their ability to compete with our street traders who form the most efficient retail distribution network in our country.
Make it mandatory for City Development Plans being prepared under the JNNURM to integrate concerns of the National Policy for Street vendors At present JNNURM is altogether silent on the need to allocate space for hawking zones.
Implement the Action Plan submitted by MANUSHI and SEWA to execute citywide pilot projects in select urban centres on the lines of Sewa Nagar Model of self governance for Hawker Markets.
The Action Plan should be implemented by a high powered bodies standing apart and above the existing corrupt system of controlling vending licenses.
Lessons learnt from implementation of the Action Plan will enable us to enact a suitable law to translate the National Policy into legislation.
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