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Repeated Indictments against MCD by
the Courts

       In the Gainda Ram case, Supreme Court appointed Justice Thareja to review the N.D.M.C allotment of tehbazari claims and Justice Chopra performed a similar job for MCD areas. The reports prepared by both of them are scathing in their criticism of the functioning of the two municipal bodies:

       To quote Justice Thareja: “I thank Almighty who gave me the strength, courage and patience to complete the sensitive and arduous task… against all internal and external forces of dishonesty, threats, temptation, attempts to change the course of justice, lack of punctuality of staff which resulted in consuming five and a half years in completing the task. I had a concept in mind that in a democratic set up the Government is honest and fair and does not litigate with its citizens. The experience of working for local self government has changed my perception” (p.II).

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