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Rights and Duties of Vendors and Issuing
of I-Cards
The vendor authorized by the Task Force will be the legally authorized street vendor for the location he or she is allocated.
All claims and conflicts will be resolved by the Grievance Redressal Committees set up for each Hawker Zone by the Task Force; the Committees will have adequate representation of local vendors.
Each vendor identified in the Census will be provided an identity card; it will list on it close family members who are actively part of the vending operation.
Each card will be valid for five years; at that time a fresh Census will be undertaken to verify if the vendors allotted spaces have continued personally as the principal vendors in the space allotted to them.
Each card will be valid for five years; at that time a fresh Census will be undertaken to verify if the vendors allotted spaces have continued personally as the principal vendors in the space allotted to them.
Maintain cleanliness
Stay within the sanyam rekha.
Pay monthly rental, municipal taxes and electricity dues on time.
Settle all disputes through dialogue and reconciliation rather than violence or other strong arm methods.
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