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Introducing Needless Controls
Footpath Space Criteria: The vending sites “shall be leaving 5 ft. space on footpath from the edge of the road as an undisturbed passage for the free movement of pedestrians.”
Attempt to Control What Vendors Sell: “the nature of goods/items of daily needs/service will only be allowed which are as per the needs and requirements of that particular area.”
Unreasonable Controls on Timings: limiting the vending period will be limited from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. for those in regular markets and from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. in residential areas.
Unreasonable requirements of distance from places frequented most, such as railway stations, religious places, hospitals etc.
Unreasonable restrictions on mode of vending and attracting customers.  
The system of inviting applications using these criteria will lead to the very same corruption rackets that followed the supreme Court orders in the Gainda Ram case.
All these controls go against the very idea of “natural markets.”  
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