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Model Vendor Market: An Exercise in Self Governance
To combat official prejudice against vendors Manushi offered to take responsibility to show by example how vendors can
be accommodated in the city in an aesthetic and orderly manner. We raised funds, hired a team of architects and
submitted a detailed plan of action to MCD which included the following responsibilities:
Management and recycling of garbage through voluntary contribution from hawkers.
Commitment on oath from them to keep within a consensually agreed “Sanyam Rekha” or Line of Self Discipline. Hawkers who do not observe this discipline are fined Rs. 100 per violation of Sanyam Rekha. Habitual violators have their membership to Manushi SANGATHAN suspended or cancelled. Such denial or cancellation of membership is duly informed to the MCD, which is free to evict those vendors.
Provide a detailed plan for the improvement and up gradation of the physical infrastructure of the Pilot Project area, including pavements, boundary walls, local parks.
Redesign the rehdis and vending platforms to improve their functionality, cleanliness and aesthetic appeal .
Ensure that vendors pay for the cost of new stalls and rehdis.
Get written commitment on oath from each hawker of the Pilot Project that he/she will not put up any unauthorized permanent structure on the pavements or anywhere else in the market. MANUSHI will also through its organizational inputs ensure compliance of this commitment.
Ensure rent compliance from all those street vendors who opt to become part of the model market project.
Take responsibility for collecting electricity and water dues to prevent pilferage and theft of these services.
Involve residents from neighbouring colonies to collaborate with Manushi’s efforts.
Earmark and maintain proper parking spaces for vehicular traffic, including cycle rickshaws.
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