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Absurd Eligibility Criteria for Getting a
Vending License

Documents demanded to prove “squatting” between 1970 to 1982 or since 1983: challans of “removal charges” or receipts of confiscation of goods issued to hawkers by the MCD, NDMC or police each time the police or municipality removed them by force or took away their goods.
These challans were required to specify that the goods were confiscated from the same spot from the same person year after year


Municipal inspectors often confiscate goods without issuing official receipts. Or let the vendor save his goods if bribed.


Vendors try to run away as soon as they see the municipal or police authorities swoop down on a market.


Most vendors are uneducated, live in crowded jhuggis where it is difficult to safely store documents.


They were not informed that a document showing economic assaults on them would acquire such high value a decade later.

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